Sunday, January 29, 2012
Circus of the Spineless #69 is up!
Now, we are only days away from the beautiful blog Beasts in a Populous City. Please send submissions to squidfan {at} gmx {dot} com!
Monday, December 05, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #68 Is Up!
Next month's Circus will travel to Wild About Ants, please send submissions to wildaboutants (at) gmail (dot) com. I am looking for hosts in April and beyond!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #67 Is Up!
The Circus will be traveling next month to Dave Hubble’s Ecology Spot. Send next month’s submissions to dshubble at yahoo dot com by December 4th! Thanks for tuning in and supporting one of the longest running science blog carnivals.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #66 Is Up!
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #65 Is Up!
Monday, August 08, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #64 is up!
Monday, July 18, 2011
July Circus is up!
Now that my shiny new Scientific American blog is up, I will be hosting the August Edition at EvoEcoLab on August 8th. So send me your submissions up till August 7th to kzelnio at gmail dot com!
Friday, July 01, 2011
No June Circus, But There Is a July One!
Monday, May 02, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #62 is up!
Need a host for July, October, and December this year. Don't be a sloth, race to the comments here to sign up for a slot and keep one of the longest running science blog carnivals going!
Send next month's submissions to... me! The gmail knows me as kzelnio.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #61 is up!
Next edition is scheduled at Squid A Day blog by Danna. Send your submissions to her at dannajoy at gmail. Still looking for hosts to fill out the year: June, July, September, October and December.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #60 is Up!
Next month is slated to be held at Zen's place, the Neurodojo. Send your submissions to doctorzen at gmail by April 3rd. Looking for hosts for June and July. Keep the Circus traveling!
Monday, February 07, 2011
Circus of the Spineless #59 is Up!
Malia of the fabulous blog Shell and Mantle did a wonderful job putting together the latest edition of the Circus of the Spineless! Lots of great posts which are interspersed with other fun images and videos of our spineless brethren. Of course the epic worm battle alone is worth seeing!
The amazing Bug Girl is hosting the March edition, #60, over at her place. Send her your submissions before March 6th to get included - her email address is membracid, and it’s a Gmail.com account.. The Circus arrives the first Monday of each month. And finally, looking for hosts for June, July, September, October and December this year.Thursday, January 13, 2011
Carnival of the Spineless #57 and 58 are up!
This month's host is the Cephalove blog. Yet another assortment of superb suppositions on spineless stuff. February will be hosted at Shell and Mantle, send submissions to shellandmantleATgmailDOTcom. Can't believe this is still going after 5 and a half years! Even when I mess up a month you guys take it by the tentacles and keep going with it. A testament to the passion and commitment of the online invertebrate writing community.
Still looking for hosts for April and beyond.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #56 is up!
Next month the Circus stops at Wanderin Weeta, send submissions to wanderinweeta at gmail dot com.
Looking for host for March and beyond, please keep this long-running Circus long running!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #55 is up!
Next Month is a special Circus of the Spineless at Cephalopodcast. Why is it special? Because it coincides with Octopus Day!
Did you know that Friday, October 8 is International Cephalopod Awareness Day? Well, it is! This month's festivities will be hosted by Danna Joy Staaf at the Cephalopodiatrist blog: cephalopodday.orgSend your submissions to cephalopodcast (at) gmail(dot)com. Also, always looking for more hosts to keep this Circus running! Sign up for any month after February.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #54 is up!
Roberta at the fabulous Wild About Ants is hosting the edition, send you submissions to wildaboutants AT gmail (dot) com.
I'm still looking for hosts for December and beyond, please sign up!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #53 is up!
The latest Circus of the Spineless (edition #53! zOMG!) is up at Birder’s Lounge. Amber has provided a wonderful assortment of spineless specialties on the menu for your culinary perusal.
“Ok, if you HAD to look at insects and their spineless ilk as food, what would your menu look like? Would it resemble the menus of birds, herps, mammals – even other insects?”Next edition will be over at Hectocotyli's place. Send contributions to hectocotyli>at>gmail>dot>com.
Of course, I'm looking for hosts for December and beyond!
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #52 is up!
Next month's edition is held at The Birder's Lounge. Use this contact page to send submissions to the Lounge. Also, still looking for hosts in September, December and I'll start taking names for the next year!
Friday, June 04, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #51 is up!
Next month's edition will be hosted at Kind of Curious. Send your submissions to KindofCurious2000 at gmail.
I'm looking for hosts for September and December this year. Do your part to support this long running carnival!
Monday, May 03, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #50 is up!
Next month is hosted at Deep Sea News. Send your submissions by May 31 to deepseanews at gmail dot com. I'm looking for hosts for September, October and December this year. Do your part to support this long running carnival!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #49 is up!
Send next month's submissions to Mike Bok at Arthropoda.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
CotS #48 up at Modern Naturalist!
Please send next month's submissions to Xenogere.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #47 is up at Beetles in the Bush!
Matthew Sarver from the Modern Naturalist
is hosting edition #48! You can submit entries via his contact page.
Also, looking for hosts for after July.
Friday, January 01, 2010
Circus of the Spineless #46 is up!
I'm looking for hosts for May and beyond. Leave a comment or send me an email if you'd like to host! Next month will be hosted by Ted at Beetles in the Bush, makes sure you get your submission in by January 30. You can contact him here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Circus of the Spineless #45 up!
Be sure to get your submissions this month to Adventures of a Free Range Urban Primate.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Circus of the Spineless 43 and 44 up!
Marmorkrebs has #44 up now as well. It is an action-packed crunchy and squishy love fest. Let's get a little more squishy love next month when the Circus of the Spineless is hosted at Greg Laden's blog! Send all your submissions to Greg.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Wanderin' Weeta Has a Confession!
Send next month's submissions for Quiche Moraine to Greg Laden at greg at gregladen dot com.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New (Belated) Circus Is Up!
Get your submissions in to Wanderin' Weeta by the end of the month for the next edition of the Circus! Her email address is in the profile.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Get Your Circus Submissions in NOW
Also, I totally FAILED to promote last months Circus. The Cheshire blog did a superb job at putting together Edition #40. Go check it out!
Monday, June 01, 2009
Circus of the Spineless #39 Is Up!
Submit your entries for next month at the Cheshire Blog. Contact Info is on this page.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Its CotS Time Again!! #38 at the Birder's Lounge!
Send next month's submissions to Bug Girl, her contact info is on this webpage.
Monday, April 06, 2009
New Circus up at Living the Scientific Life!
Send next month's submissions to Birder's Lounge.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Circus of the Spineless #36 Is Up!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Send in Your Circus of the Spineless Submissions!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Send in Circus of the Spineless #36 submissions
Monday, February 02, 2009
Circus of the Spineless #35 Posted and New Badge!

The 35th edition of the Circus of the Spineless is posted at The Other 95%. We are looking pretty good for hosts, but please do sign up for subsequent months after July. You can leave a comment here if you are interested in hosting!
Daniel from Biochemical Soul made this is awesome carnival badge for the Circus! He gave us full permission to use it for future Circuses. I posted the full file above and users can resize as they see fit for their posts. Thanks a ton Daniel!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Circus is Under New Management!
Please contact me at kzelnio at gmail dot com to sign up for a hosting spot or leave a comment here. I'll put together a carnival for February at The Other 95% and need your help to get the word out and line up hosts for the upcoming months. Stay tuned for the upcoming link to the CotS revival!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sorry . . .
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
p.s. we have a host for September, but are looking beyond. If you're interested in hosting please drop me a line at the address above.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Circus of the Spineless #33 is Up!!
Check it out here:
And be sure to drop a thanks and congrats in the comments!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Circus #33 Coming up!
Edition #33 (May 2008) will be at Seeds Aside.
Coming up
Edition #34 will be at Gossamer Tapestry.
Your submissions will be due June 29, 2008 and you can send them to: Doug Taron at dtaron (at) gmail.com
and we're looking for hosts for July and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Circus 32 needs to be keyed out!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Circus #32 is about to go online!
send your submissions pronto to Kevin at
Edition #33 will be at Seeds Aside.
Edition #34 will be at Gossamer Tapestry.
Your submissions will be due June 29, 2008 and you can send them to: Doug Taron at dtaron (at) gmail.com
and we're looking for hosts for July and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Friday, April 18, 2008
Circus #32 on the horizon!
Start getting your posts ready for Circus of the Spineless #32 (especially posts about the ultimate, and intelligentist, class of invertebratadudes, the Mollusca). The next edition will be at Deep Sea News http://scienceblogs.com/deepseanews/
send your submissions by April 29, 2008 to Kevin at
Edition #34 will be at Gossamer Tapestry.
Your submissions will be due May 30, 2008 and you can send them to: Doug Taron at dtaron (at) gmail.com
and we're looking for hosts for May and July and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
March Circus #31 has been posted!
Please go check it out and comment.
Many thanks to Jim Lemire for the wonderful work (even if it includes snail-bashing!)
#32 will be at Deep Sea News http://scienceblogs.com/deepseanews/
send your submissions by April 29, 2008 to Kevin at
and we're looking for hosts for May and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Friday, February 29, 2008
Circus #30 has been posted!
Circus of the Spineless #30 is now online. You can find the current edition here:
Thanks to everyone who submitted posts for this edition of the carnival.
our next host (for March, #31) will be at Archaea to Zeaxanthol http://attleborobio.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by March 30, 2008 to jim.lemire(at)gmail.com
#32 will be at Deep Sea News http://scienceblogs.com/deepseanews/
send your submissions by April 29, 2008 to Kevin at
and we're looking for hosts for May and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Submissions due for Circus #30
The next issue of Circus of the Spineless is at A D.C. Birding Blog http://dendroica.blogspot.com/
send your submissions pronto to empidonax(at)gmail.com
our next host (for March, #31) will be at Archaea to Zeaxanthol http://attleborobio.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by March 30, 2008 to jim.lemire(at)gmail.com
#32 will be at Deep Sea News http://scienceblogs.com/deepseanews/
send your submissions by April 29, 2008 to Kevin at
and we're looking for hosts for May and beyond! contact tony g at hurricanetg(a)hotmail.com
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Circus #29 has been posted!
Circus of the Spineless #29 has been posted at Andrea's Buzzing About here. Thanks for the wonderful job!
Future Circuses will be at:
#30 will be at A D.C. Birding Blog http://dendroica.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by February 27, 2008 to empidonax(at)gmail.com
#31 will be at Archaea to Zeaxanthol http://attleborobio.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by March 30, 2008 to jim.lemire(at)gmail.com
#32 will be at Deep Sea News http://scienceblogs.com/deepseanews/
send your submissions by April 29, 2008 to Kevin at kaz146(at)psu.edu
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Looking for Circus #29 Submissions!
send your submissions by January 31, 2008 to araychandler(at)yahoo.com
Future Circuses will be at:
#30 will be at A D.C. Birding Blog http://dendroica.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by February 27, 2008 to empidonax(at)gmail.com
#31 will be at Archaea to Zeaxanthol http://attleborobio.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by March 30, 2008 to jim.lemire(at)gmail.com
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Catalogue hosting #28 Now!
#29 will be at Andrea’s Buzzing About: http://qw88nb88.wordpress.com/
send your submissions by January 30, 2008 to araychandler(at)yahoo.com
#30 will be at A D.C. Birding Blog http://dendroica.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by February 27, 2008 to empidonax(at)gmail.com
#31 will be at Archaea to Zeaxanthol http://attleborobio.blogspot.com/
send your submissions by March 30, 2008 to jim.lemire(at)gmail.com